Моя майбутня професія -Вчений фізик"- тема англ.мовою на рівні 7 -8 класу.
As long as I can remember myself I always loved physics. Before I started taking Physics at school, I knew some concepts and ideas from cartoons and shows I used to watch as a kid. I always thought physics is fascinating and magical. For a lot of people choosing a future profession is difficult, as it's really hard to find something you are willing to do for the rest of your life. Being fascinated with physics for as long as i can remember myself, for me that decision was one of the easiest in my life. I always wanted to become a physicist. The idea of doing experiments and discovering new theories that unfold the mysteries of our world always seemed fascinating to me. My childhood love for Physics is the reason I chose to become a Physicist.
P.S. Hope it helped. If you need more words or have any questions, feel free to ask them here. I'll be happy to help. Have a great day!