Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mokhiblack

Put the adjectives in the suitable degree.

1. Which is (near) to London? Oxford or Cambridge?
2. Which is (quick) way to Hyde Park?
3. Tom is (good-looking) his brother.
4. My sister Claire is very young but her friend Rose is ...(young)
5. This is (high) tower I have ever seen.
6. Is your computer better than mine? No, it is......(bad)
7. He always sits in (good) seat.
8. Which is..... (large)city in Portugal 9. She is very beautiful. She is ....(pretty) girl I know.

10. We must go home without ...(far) delay.
11. Your room is dirty but his is..(bad).
12. New is....(busy) town I visited in USA.

13. It is five miles (longer) to Dover than is to Oxford.

14. Which town is..(far) from Oporto?

15. The fields are (green), because is spring.

16. I can dance.. (well) you.

17. Who works..(hard) in the office?

18. Who is...(dever) pupil in the dassroom?

19. He has felling even (bad) than yesterday.
20. What's the name of..(small) and (poor) country in the world?
21. This is the..(nice) place I've ever been it​


Автор ответа: nunny


Put the adjectives in the suitable degree.

1. Which is (near) to London? Oxford or Cambridge?

2. Which is (quick) way to Hyde Park?

3. Tom is (good-looking) his brother.

4. My sister Claire is very young but her friend Rose is ...(young)

5. This is (high) tower I have ever seen.

6. Is your computer better than mine? No, it is......(bad)

7. He always sits in (good) seat.

8. Which is..... (large)city in Portugal 9. She is very beautiful. She is ....(pretty) girl I know.

10. We must go home without ...(far) delay.

11. Your room is dirty but his is..(bad).

12. New is....(busy) town I visited in USA.

13. It is five miles (longer) to Dover than is to Oxford.

14. Which town is..(far) from Oporto?

15. The fields are (green), because is spring.

16. I can dance.. (well) you.

17. Who works..(hard) in the office?

18. Who is...(dever) pupil in the dassroom?

19. He has felling even (bad) than yesterday.

20. What's the name of..(small) and (poor) country in the world?

21. This is the..(nice) place I've ever been it​


1. Which is (nearer) to London? Oxford or Cambridge?

2. Which is (the quickest) way to Hyde Park?

3. Tom is (more good-looking than) his brother.

4. My sister Claire is very young but her friend Rose is (younger).

5. This is (the highest) tower I have ever seen.

6. Is your computer better than mine? No, it is (worse).

7. He always sits in (the best) seat.

8. Which is (the largest) city in Portugal?

9. She is very beautiful. She is (the prettiest) girl I know.

10. We must go home without (further) delay.

11. Your room is dirty but his is (worse).

12. New York is (the busiest) town I visited in USA.

13. It is five miles (longer) to Dover than is to Oxford.

14. Which town is (the farthest) from Oporto?

15. The fields are (greener), because is spring.

16. I can dance (better than) you.

17. Who works (the hardest) in the office?

18. Who is (the cleverest/the most clever) pupil in the class?

19. He has feeling even (worse) than yesterday.

20. What's the name of  (the smallest) and (poorest) country in the world?

21. This is the (nicest) place I've ever been in​.


Сравнительная и превосходная степени прилагательных.

Irregulars: good – better – the best, bad – worse – the worst, little – less – the least, far – farther – the farthest (further – the furthest).

Можно обоими способами: clever, common, cruel, friendly, gentle, narrow, pleasant, polite, shallow, simple, stupid, quiet, yellow, tired (narrow – narrower – the narrowest – more narrow – the most narrow).

Не принято формировать степени сравнения от предельных (абсолютных) прилагательных: unique, eternal, last, essential…

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Б. (в)продолжение получаса, за(тем) лесом;
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2) Совсем потемнело у него в глазах. б) односоставное, определённо-личное
3) Раскатами каменных ядер гремел небосвод. в) односоставное, безличное
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В. 1в, 2б, 3а;
Г. 1в, 2а, 3б.
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А. Зима лето пугает да всё равно тает.
Б. Жить на Земле великое счастье.
В. Проснувшись Петя вышел на улицу.
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Б. Картофель сажают во время цветения черёмухи.
В. Век живи, век учись.
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Б. Горит восток зарёю новой.
В. Клюкву всегда собирают поздней осенью.
Г. Завтра улетаю с родителями в Крым.
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