Перетвори речення на зперечнi та питальнi.
1. He always cleans teeth after supper . ( - , ? , When , Who , What )
2. We go to school in the morning . ( - , ? , Where , When , Who , What )
3. Sam gets up at seven o'clock . ( - , ? , When , Who , What )
4. His parents help him every day . ( - , ? , When , Who , What )
5. They play football very well . ( - , ? , How , What , Who , What )
6. You are at the lesson now . ( - , ? , Where , Who )
7. Helen has got a funny toy . ( - , ? , What , Who )
8.Serhii knows these women well . ( - , ? , How well , Who )
1. He always cleans teeth after supper . He doesn`t always clean teeth after supper . When does he clean teeth? Who always cleans teeth after supper? What does he do?
2. We go to school in the morning . We don`t go to school in the morning. Where do we go in the morning? When do we go to school? What do we do in the morning?
3. Sam gets up at seven o'clock. Sam doesn`t get up at seven o'clock. When does Sam get up? Who gets up at seven o'clock? What does Sam do at seven o'clock?
4. His parents help him every day. His parents don`t help him every day. When do his parents help him? Who helps him every day? What do his parents do?
5. They play football very well. They don`t play football very well. How do they play football? What do they do? Who plays football very well?
6. You are at the lesson now. You aren`t at the lesson now. Where are you now? Who is at the lesson now?
7. Helen has got a funny toy. Helen hasn`t got a funny toy. What have Helen got? Who has got a funny toy?
8. Serhii knows these women well. Serhii doesn`t know these women well. How well does he know these women? Who knows these women well?
1. Does he always clean teeth after supper? He doesn't always clean teeth after supper. When does he clean teeth? Who always clean teeth after supper? What does he do after supper?
2. We don't go to school in the he morning. Do we go to school in the morning? Where do we go in the morning? When do we go to school? Who goes to school in the morning? What do we do in the morning?
3. Sam doesn't get up at seven o'clock.
Does Sam get up at seven o'clock? When does Sam get up? Who gets up at seven o'clock? What does Sam do at seven o'clock?
4. His parents don't help him every day. Do his parents help him very day? When do his parents help him? Who helps him every day? What do his parents do every day?
5. They don't play football very well. Do they play football very well? How well do they play football? What do they do very well? Who plays football very well? What do they do very well?
6. You aren't at the lesson now. Are you at the lesson now? Where are you now? Who is at the lesson now?
7. Had Helen got a funny toy? Helen hasn't got a funny toy. What had
Helen got? Who has got a funny toy?
8. Serhii doesn't know these women well. Does Serhii know these women well? How well does Serhii know these women? Who knows these women well?
Якщо підмет -3-тя особа однини, до присудка+ закінчення -s, -es. Для запитання допоміжне дієслово Does став перед підметом, а після підметк- + дієслово без закінчень. Для спец.запитань після спеціальних питальних слів + загальне запитання. Після спеціального питального слова Who допоміжні слова do, dоes не вживаємо, а лише дієслово з закінченням s. Якщо присудок походить від дієслова to be, після Who пиши is.: Who is in class? They are