100 балів даю помогите! I. Insert the necessary indefinite or negative pronouns: some, somebody, something, any, anything, anybody, no, nobody, nothing, neither, none…
1. There is _____ milk in the cup, but it is very cold.
2. There is _____ bread on the table. I can’t make sandwiches.
3. Are there _____ oranges in the bag?
4. Did you read _____ about this writer?
5. My mother knows ____ about his arrival. It is a secret.
6. My sister writes _____ a letter.
7. Do you want to discuss this with ____?
8. This girl respects _____. She is always very impolite at school.
9. I want to buy _____ for my mother’s birthday. Do you have _____ ideas? I have ____ ideas at all.
10. _____ composition is written correctly.
11. Ann wanted to see ____ of us. She was very angry.
12. There isn’t _____ cheese in the fridge.
13. There are _____ flowers in the vase. They are red.
14. There are _____ carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.
15. I’d like _____ potatoes, please.
16. Do you have _____ to travel to Budapest with you?
17. There is _____ important in the news today.
18. Is there _____ at home? I can hear ____ in the backyard.
19. _____ can go to the camp with me. I have to go alone.
20. _____ may come to my party. I will be glad to see everybody!
21. My mother wishes to prepare _____ tasty for dinner.
There is some milk in the cup, but it is very cold.
There is no bread on the table, I can't make a sandwich.
Are there any oranges in the bag?
My mother knows nothing about his arrival. It's a secret.
My sister writes nobody a letter.
Do you want to discuss this with anybody?
8. This girl respects everyone. She is always very impolite at school.
9. I want to buy something for my mother's birthday. Do you have any ideas? I don't have none ideas at all.
10. None composition is written correctly.
11. Ann didn't want to see any of us. She was very angry.
12. There is no cheese in the fridge.
13. There are somel flowers in a vase. They are red.
14. There are no carrots in the refrigerator. I can't make soup.
15. I’d like some potatoes, please.
16. Do you have anyone to travel to Budapest with you?
17. There is some important information in the news today.
18. Is there anyone at home? I hear someone in the backyard.
19. Someone can go with me to the camp. I have to go alone.
20. Everyone may come to my party. I will be glad to see everybody!
21. My mother wishes to prepare something tasty for dinner.