Match the questions and answers. Is he German? Are they a Brazilian band? Is this CD expensive? Are you and John footballers? Are you from Poland? Are Ann and Sophie good singers? Am I a good tennis player? Is she your friend?

Match the questions and answers.
1 Is he German? - d Yes, he is. He's from Hamburg.
2 Are they a Brazilian band? - e No, they aren't. They're from Spain.
3 Is this CD expensive? - b No, it isn't. It's quite cheap.
4 Are you and John footballers? - g Yes, we are. We're in the school team.
5 Are you from Poland? - f No, I'm not. I'm Russian.
6 Are Ann and Sophie good singers? - h Yes, they are. They're great.
7 Am I a good tennis player? - c Yes, I think you are.
8 Is she your friend? - a No, she is. I think she's boring.
Обычно в полных предложениях и кратких отрицательных ответах формы вспомогательного глагола to be используются вместе с местоимениями образуя сокращения (I'm, you're, he's, No, she isn't и т. д. ).
Но если даётся краткий утвердительный ответ ("да"), то вспомогательный глагол не сокращается, и произносится с ударением: Yes, he is. Yes, we are