There is a saying "It's easier to keep up than to catch up" Let's dwell on this topic. Do you apply this principle in your life? 150 слов, написать срочно!
"It's easier to keep up than to catch up."
Sometimes, it is quite tempting to put everything off to the last minute and forget about it for the time being. However, as the saying goes, it's easier to keep up than to catch up, and personally, I fully agree with this statement.
In my opinion, catching up is difficult and time-consuming, and sometimes even impossible. Postponed tasks pile up very quickly, and eventually, there is not enough time to do them properly. At school, it often means getting lower results, or even failing. Moreover, trying to do a pile of work or, worse, to understand some complex material overnight is nerve-racking and exhausting.
Having said that, I still tend to procrastinate sometimes. However, I try to minimise the number of these cases by learning different time-management techniques.
All in all, I think that although making ourselves do things in a timely manner might seem impossible at first, we should still do it, because it is indeed easier to keep up than to catch up.
(165 слов, в рамках +10%)
Это эссе написано по такому плану:
- Вступление: вводное предложение + выражение своего мнения
- Основная часть 1: раскрытие темы (почему я так считаю)
- Основная часть 2: ответ на вопрос из задания (Do you apply this principle in your life?)
- Заключение: подводим итог всему вышесказанному