Предмет: Математика, автор: anton18273645top

5. Знайдіть площу фігури, обмеженої лініями 2 f(x) = x^2+ 2, y = 0, x = 2,x = 1.
4. Знайдіть площу фігури, обмеженої лініями:
f(x) = 4 - x^2, y = 0, x = 0, x = 1.
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William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and dramatist, was born on April 23, 1564 in stratford-(up)on-Avon, Warwickshire, in England. He was the eldest son and the third child in the marriage. We know very little about the life of William, especially about his early years. At the age of seven the parents sent William to Stratford School where he studied for six years.
In 1577 William's father, John Shakespeare fell into debt and sold the larger part of his property. He took William from school and for some time the boy helped his father in the trade. Nobody knows what he did between his fourteenth and eighteenth year. We know nothing about these five years of his life.
When still at Stratford William became well acquainted with theatrical performances because traveling companies of players often visited Stratford. Probably, Shakespeare also saw miracle plays in the neighbouring town of Coventry.
In 1582, when little more that eighteen, William married Anne Hathaway, a daughter of Richard Hathaway who belonged to a well-respected yeoman family. Ann was eight years older than her husband and the marriage was not a happy one. In 1583 their daughter Susanna was born and in 1585 their twins named Hamnet and Judith were born.
When William was about twenty-one, he left for London where he had many difficulties . There is a story that when Shakespeare reached London he went straight to the theatre to get some work there. He began by holding the horses of the fine gentleman who came to see the plays. Later he called out the names of the actors and after a time he received a small part to act. But soon he tried to change old plays and he made them into something different and better. Then he started to write plays himself. Shakespeare is the author of 37 plays, poems and 154 sonnets.
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: dernovwarface