7. Liz wondered, "Have you been waiting long?" 8. Mrs. Craig asked, 'Will you have finished the work by 6?" 9. The waiter asked, "Would you like something for dessert?" 10. My brother asked me, "Have you seen my belt?" 11. Mr. Hendricks wondered, "Were you sleeping at 3 yesterday?" 12. The girl asked, "Had everybody come by 6?"
7. Liz wondered, "Have you been waiting long?"
8. Mrs. Craig asked, 'Will you have finished the work by 6?"
9. The waiter asked, "Would you like something for dessert?"
10. My brother asked me, "Have you seen my belt?"
11. Mr. Hendricks wondered, "Were you sleeping at 3 yesterday?"
12. The girl asked, "Had everybody come by 6?"
7. Liz wondered if they had been waiting long.
8. Mrs. Craig asked them if they would have finished the work by 6.
9. The waiter asked them if they would like something for dessert.
10. My brother asked me if I had seen his belt.
11. Mr. Hendricks wondered if they had been sleeping at 3 the day before.
12. The girl wanted to rknow if everybody had come by 6.
Direct-indirect conversion
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную, временная форма сдвигается на шаг в прошлое, кроме следующих случаев:
Если слова автора в настоящем или будущем времени. He will say that he has been there before. Он скажет, что уже был здесь.
Действие в Past Perfect (Continuous) или в Future-in-the-Past.
Обстоятельства времени не изменились. He said that he bought it yesterday. Он сказал, что купил это вчера.
Утверждение всегда верно. The teacher said that water boils at 100 C. Учитель сказал, что вода кипит при ста градусах.
Утверждение верно длительный период времени или в текущем отрезке времени. She said that she loves you. Она сказала, что любит тебя.
Сообщение повторяется сразу же. He said that the food is delicious. Он сказал, что еда изыскана.
В условных предложениях 2 типа. He said that if he were you, he wouldn’t do that. Он сказал, что на твоём месте он не стал бы этого делать.
Желаемые события. She said she wished she were younger. Она пожалела о том, что она не моложе.
Глагол ought to. He said they ought to be careful. Он сказал, что им следует быть осторожней.
Глагол must в значении «должно быть». He said that they must be at home. Он сказал, что они должно быть дома.
Для передачи общих вопросов используется if или whether. Вопросительные предложения передаются с прямым порядком слов: He asked me if/whether they were at home. С глаголом-связкой порядок может быть обратным: He asked me what was the price.
При сдвиге временной формы глагола в прошлое, в косвенной речи, по ситуации, изменяются обстоятельства места и времени, местоимения, а также, происходит отстранение от эмоций:
this – that, these – those, here – there, now - then (at that moment, at once, immediately), come – go, today – (on) that day, yesterday – the day before(earlier), tomorrow - (on) the next (following) day, last night – the previous night, last week – the week before, ago - before(earlier), next week – the next (following) week, now that – since, so – very, yes/no – answered in the positive/negative, he - that man, we - they.
Если из прямой речи лицо не известно, используется местоимение they, а в словах автора wanted to know, wondered:
He said: “Come here”. – He told them to come up to him.
He said: “Where are you going?” – He wanted to know/wondered where they were going.
Кроме слова said используются глаголы, выражающие характер прямой речи: agree + to-inf,
demand, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, claim, advise + sb + to-inf, allow, ask, beg, command, encourage, forbid, instruct, invite sb, order, permit, remind, urge, warn, want, accuse sb of + -ing form, apologise for, admit (to), boast about, complain to sb about, deny, insist on, suggest, agree + that-clause, boast, claim, complain, exclaim, explain, inform sb, promise, suggest, explain to sb + how.