1. Put the verbs between brackets in Present perfect or in Past tense
1. This is my house. How long you (live) here?
2. We (live) in London for two years and then (go) to Edinburgh.
3. You (wear) your hair long when you were in school? Yes, my mother (insist) on it.
4. But when I (leave) school I (cut) may hair and (wear) it short since then.
5. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.
6. My brother (write) several plays. He just (finish) his first tragedy.
7. I (fly) over Loch Ness last week. You (see) the Loch Ness monster?
8. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.
9. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give up.
10. You (lock) the door before you left the house?
11. I can’t go out because I (not finish) my homework.
12. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much.
13. I never (drink) whisky.
14. I (write) the letter, but I can’t find a stamp.
15. The play just ( begin). You are a little late.
16. He just (go) out. No, he (go) out ten minutes ago.
17. The newspaper (come)? Yes, Ann is reading it.
18. It ( be ) very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.
19. We ( miss) the bus. Now we have to walk.
20. You (be) here before? Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. You (have) a good time? No, it never
(stop) raining.
1. Put the verbs between brackets in Present perfect or in Past tense
1. Put the verbs between brackets in Present perfect or in Past tense
1. This is my house. How long you (live) here?
2. We (live) in London for two years and then (go) to Edinburgh.
3. You (wear) your hair long when you were in school? Yes, my mother (insist) on it.
4. But when I (left) school I (cut) may hair and (have worn) it short since then.
5. Shakespeare (wrote) a lot of plays.
6. My brother (has written) several plays. He has just (finished) his first tragedy.
7. I (flew) over Loch Ness last week. Did you (see) the Loch Ness monster?
8. I (have not seen) him for three years. I wonder where he is.
9. He (has not smoked) for two weeks. He is trying to give up.
10. Did you (lock) the door before you left the house?
11. I can’t go out because I (have not finished) my homework.
12. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoyed) them very much.
13. I have never (drunk) whisky.
14. I (have written) the letter, but I can’t find a stamp.
15. The play has just ( begun). You are a little late.
16. He has just (gone) out. No, he (went) out ten minutes ago.
17. Has the newspaper (come)? Yes, Ann is reading it.
18. It (has been) very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.
19. We (have missed) the bus. Now we have to walk.
20. Have you (been) here before? Yes, I (spent) my holidays here last year. Did you (have) a good time? No, it never (stopped) raining.
The past simple tense usage.
Форма: вспомогательный глагол did с инфинитивом смыслового глагола или смысловой глагол во второй форме.
1. Прошедшее действие с прямым или косвенным указанием времени. Yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, on Monday, in 1995, during the war, in Warsaw. He came yesterday. Он прибыл вчера. The lesson started 10 minutes ago. Урок начался десять минут назад.
2. Последовательность прошедших действий. He left the hotel, took a taxi and drove to the theatre. Он вышел из гостиницы, взял такси и поехал в театр.
3. Обычное повторяющееся прошлое действие. Last year I often went to the cinema. В прошлом году я часто ходил в кино.
4. Прошлое состояние. I lived in Poland for 5 years. Я жил в Польше пять лет.
5. Будущее гипотетическое действие в условных предложениях. If you went there tomorrow, you would see him. Если бы ты пошёл туда завтра, ты бы его увидел.
6. Настоящее гипотетическое действие или состояние в условных предложениях. If you went there every day, you would see him. Ходил бы ты туда каждый день – ты бы видел его.
7. Просьбы, пожелания, сожаления, начинающиеся с I would rather/sooner/prefer that, if only, I wish. I wish I didn’t have to work. Жаль, что мне приходится работать. If only you spoke Italian. Если бы только вы говорили по-итальянски. I would rather that it were summer now. Жаль, что сейчас не лето.
The present perfect tense usage.
Форма: вспомогательный глагол have/has и причастие прошедшего времени от смыслового глагола.
1. Событие, произошедшее или не произошедшее к данному моменту, результат. I have left my shopping bag behind. Я забыл свою авоську. I haven't called her. Я ей не позвонил.
2. Состояние, длящееся до настоящего момента. I’ve been tired. Я устал.
3. Обычное действие или привычка, существовавшие до сих пор. I have never worn long skirts. Я никогда не носила длинных юбок.
4. Несколько событий, произошедших на данный момент. I have been to Paris three times. Я был в Париже три раза.
5. Состояние к текущему моменту с указанием длительности с глаголами, не использующимися в продолженной форме. I have known him for two years. Я знаю его уже два года.
6. События, которые состоятся к будущему моменту, в дополнительных предложениях. I will give you the book when I have read it. Я дам тебе эту книгу, когда прочитаю её.
7. С вопросительными словами how many/how much в предложениях, где не указано время события. How many pages have you read? Сколько страниц ты уже прочитал?
8. Для подчёркивания недавности произошедшего события. I have just broken a cup. Я только что разбил кружку.