Предмет: Английский язык, автор: axelaabuse

даю 35 баллов срочно
Six of the folIowing sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them.
1 Sydney Harbour Bridge was building in 1932.
2 While they were carrying out tests in the laboratories, researchers were analysing past results.
3 The first real road builders in Britain was the Romans.
4 The Romans built roads of layers of broken stones of various sizes and were covering them with flat stones.
5 The system didn't working because the loudspeaker had been wrongly connected.
6 Before factories were told to stop polluting the environment, waste was being dumped in rivers and in the sea.
7 Louis Pasteur was discovering the action of germs while he was studying fermentation in wines.
8 The production process had already been shut down when the leak in the fuel tank was found.
9 Nuclear energy began to be used from the mid-1950s.
10 In the second half of the 20th century, the electronics industry transforming the way we work in factories.


Автор ответа: nellytheelephant


Six of the folIowing sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them.

6 из приведенных предложений содержат ошибки. Их нужно исправить.

1 Sydney Harbour Bridge was built in 1932.

(Это пассивный залог, он состоит из формы глагола to be и 3-ей формы смыслового глагола.)

2 While they were carrying out tests in the laboratories, researchers were analysing past results. - correct/ верно

3 The first real road builders in Britain were the Romans.

(подлежащее во множ. числе, а глагол всегда согласуется с подлежащим)

4 The Romans built roads of layers of broken stones of various sizes and covered them with flat stones.

(было неверно употреблено время глагола cover. Надо использовать Past Simple, так как мы просто указываем на действия в прошлом)

5 The system didn't work because the loudspeaker had been wrongly connected.

(после вспомогательного глагола в Past Simple используется инфинитив)

6 Before factories were told to stop polluting the environment, waste had been dumped in rivers and in the sea.

(здесь нужно использовать Past Perfect, потому что говорится о том, что происходило ДО запрета загрязнять природу)

7 Louis Pasteur discovered the action of germs while he was studying fermentation in wines. (открытие происходит быстро, как озарение, это не процесс, поэтому исправляем время на Past Simple)

8 The production process had already been shut down when the leak in the fuel tank was found.- верно

9 Nuclear energy began to be used from the mid-1950s. - верно

10 In the second half of the 20th century, the electronics industry transformed the way we work in factories.

(сказуемое в английском языке не может состоять только из одного причастия, да и по смыслу требуется время Past Simple)


Получается, что не шесть, а семь предложений содержат ошибки.

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