Помогите пожалуйста, упражнение 7
- 1) D (Two definitions)
- 2) F (A famous person in the foreground)
- 3) B (A modest artist in the background)
- 4) E (A photographer's perspective)
Лишние заголовки: А (Dealing with clients); С (Art is not for sale).
1) D — Two definitions (Два определения)
- Are photographers artists or only craftspeople? What is the difference? A craftsperson creates useful objects by hand and then sells them. An artist creates things just to express emotions, entertain or tell a story. But is it really so simple?
В отрывке рассказывается о различиях между понятиями "artist" (художник, творец) и "craftsperson" (ремесленник).
2) F — A famous person in the foreground (Известная личность на переднем плане)
- Let's take Annie Leibovitz, for example, who is now the most famous portrait photographer in the world. She has photographed well-known actors, singers, Olympic champions and designers. Her photographs always tell an emotional story and are true pieces of art. But she also earns money on them.
В отрывке рассказывается об Энни Лейбовиц, известнейшем в мире фотографе-портретисте, и ее деле.
3) B — A modest artist in the background (Скромный творец на заднем плане)
- The backgrounds for her portraits are created by another person, Sarah Oliphant. Her works include huge landscapes, abstract paintings or small objects. She says she is a craftsperson, not an artist, because everything she makes is useful to other people and they pay her for it. But people can see her work as art too.
В отрывке рассказывается о Саре Олифант, создающей фоны для портретов Энни, и о том, что она считает себя скорее ремесленницей, нежели художницей.
4) E — A photograper's perspective (Точка зрения фотографа)
- So what is the answer? I am a photographer and I know that people who work in the photography business are almost always craftspeople. They produce images for money on their clients' orders. But sometimes they use their talent, tools and skills to create something personal. And then they become artists.
В отрывке рассказывается о том, что автор текста — фотограф ("... I am a photographer) и о его мнении по вопросу различия между художником/творцом и ремесленником.