What is truth? essays on this topic
Truth is an objective truth established in people's minds about the essence of something or someone. It is necessary to distinguish the truth, the validity of which can be verified practically by conducting experiments, research, experiments, from the truth, which is confirmed by constructing logical reasoning, based on assumptions, conclusions, generalizations.
The first way of searching and finding the truth is characteristic of the world of science, and such truth is scientific, confirmed by irrefutable facts, quantitative indicators, on the basis of which calculations are made, digital tables, graphs, diagrams are created. Science in search of the truth in solving any problem has the technical means, the necessary equipment, the ability to repeatedly check the result.
The truths that relate to issues that cannot be solved by the language of numbers are, as a rule, unwritten, but established in the universal consciousness of the rules governing relations between people in the family, the collective, any community. They are of a moral-ethical or philosophical nature and contain ideas about good and evil, honor and dishonor, truth and lies, etc.
There is a concept of “common truths". They are mastered from childhood in the course of home, school education; they are approved by means of art. The most interesting, urgent and relevant at all times and for every person has been and remains the search for truth in the question ” What is the meaning of human life and existence on earth?”