1 Disparity; difference; inequality
3 Identical; uniform; consistent
4 Spectacularly; very noticeably
9 Frontiers; boundaries
10 International Monetary Fund
12 World Bank
13 Weak; permissive; lenient
14 Commerce
15 World Trade Organization
1 Italian city where there was an antiglobalization demonstration
2 Uniformly; fairly; equally
5 Terrible; depressing; very poor
6 Therefore; consequently
7 Reduced; restricted; limited
8 Former president of Mexico
11 Easy movement in one direction
- gap (across), Genoa (down)
- evenly
- standardized
- dramatically
- borders
- miserable
- thus
- curtailed
- Zedillo
- flow
- WB
- lax
- trade
См. вложение.
По горизонтали:
1) Disparity; difference; inequality (неравенство, различие, несправедливость)
- GAP (разрыв)
- "One issue that antiglobalizationists often discuss concerns the gap between haves and have-nots."
3) Identical; uniform; consistent (идентичный, унифицированный, неизменный)
- STANDARDIZED (стандартизированный)
- "Thus, standardized Western products - from fast food to movies to computer-operating systems - dominate world markets and world culture."
4) Spectacularly; very noticeably (впечатляюще, очень заметно)
- DRAMATICALLY (драматически)
- "As union leader Jay Mazur said, "globalization has dramatically increased inequality between and within nations.""
9) Frontiers; boundaries (рубежи, пределы)
- BORDERS (границы)
- "Most experts agree that it refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, especially through international and the flow of money across borders."
10) International Monetary Fund (Международный валютный фонд)
- "They oppose organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the G8, and protest their meetings."
12) World Bank (Всемирный банк)
- WB (ВБ)
- "They oppose organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the G8, and protest their meetings."
13) Weak; permissive; lenient (слабый, неограничительный, мягкий)
- LAX (нестрогий)
- "International companies take advantage of lax labor laws in developing countries, the labor leaders say, and these companies pay low wages and force workers - including children - to work long hours in unsafe, miserable conditions."
14) Commerce (коммерция)
- TRADE (торговля)
- "Most experts agree that it refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, especially through international trade and the flow of money across borders."
15) World Trade Organization (Всемирная торговая организация)
- "They oppose organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the G8, and protest their meetings."
По вертикали:
1) Italian city where there was an antiglobalization demonstration (итальянский город, где проводилась демонстрация антиглобалистов)
- GENOA (Генуя)
- "Beginning with the protests at the WTO meeting in Seattle in 1999, also known as "the battle of Seattle", militant demonstrations have been held in Prague, Quebec City, Genoa, and other cities."
2) Uniformly; fairly; equally (унифицированно, справедливо, одинаково)
- EVENLY (равномерно)
- "However, those in favor of globalization argue that income is distributed more evenly in developing countries that have made some effort to globalize, such as China, India, Poland, and Vietnam, than it is in "nonglobalizers" such as Nigeria, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and the Ukraine."
5) Terrible; depressing; very poor (ужасный, удручающий, очень плохой)
- MISERABLE (убогий)
- "International companies take advantage of lax labor laws in developing countries, the labor leaders say, and these companies pay low wages and force workers - including children - to work long hours in unsafe, miserable conditions."
6) Therefore; consequently (Следовательно, соответственно)
- THUS (таким образом)
- "Thus, standardized Western products - from fast food to movies to computer-operating systems - dominate world markets and world culture."
7) Reduced; restricted; limited (уменьшенный, несвободный, ограниченный)
- CURTAILED (сокращенный)
- "Some radical antiglobalizationists, called "localists," believe that international trade and activity should be greatly curtailed and that power should be returned to the national, regional, and local level."
8) Former president of Mexico (бывший президент Мексики)
- ZEDILLO (Седильо)
- "Supporting this point, Mexico's former president Ernesto Zedillo has said that whenever a poor nation has significantly overcome its poverty, it has done so while producing goods for export and opening up to foreign goods, investment, and technology - in other words, by becoming more globalized."
11) Easy movement in one direction (свободное движение в одну сторону)
- FLOW (поток)
- "Additionally, they say, it refers to the movement of people: both tourists and immigrants who come to work in other countries and, finally, to the international flow of knowledge and information."