VII. Choose the correct form of the verb: 1. They (explained, were explained) how to solve this problem on the computer. 2.The sequence of reasonable operations (has been performed, has performed) by the computer. 3. These digits (are multiplied, multiply) easily 4. The Experiments on the new computer (were carrying) out, were being carried out) during the whole month. 5. The sequence of reasonable operations (is carrying out, is being carried out) by this computer now. 6. Many books on computers (had been translated, had translated) into Ukrainian by the end of the last year. 7. By means of instruction any computer (will tell, will be told) what operations to perform. 8. Your scientific article "An educated man and the computer" (will be published, will publish) by the end of the year.
1. They were explained how to solve this problem on the computer.
Past Simple Passive
Им объяснили, как решить эту задачу на компьютере.
2.The sequence of reasonable operations has been performed by the computer.
Present Perfect Passive
Последовательность разумных операций была выполнена компьютером.
3. These digits are multiplied easily.
Present Simple Passive
Эти цифры легко умножаются.
4. The Experiments on the new computer were being carried out during the whole month.
Past Continuous Passive
Эксперименты на новом компьютере проводились в течение всего месяца.
5. The sequence of reasonable operations is being carried out by this computer now.
Present Continuous Passive
Последовательность разумных операций выполняется этим компьютером сейчас.
6. Many books on computers had been translated into Ukrainian by the end of the last year.
Past Perfect Passive
К концу прошлого года на украинский язык переведено много книг о компьютерах.
7. By means of instruction any computer will be told what operations to perform.
С помощью инструкции любому компьютеру будет сказано, какие операции выполнять.
Future Simple Passive
8. Your scientific article "An educated man and the computer" will be published by the end of the year.
Future Simple Passive
Ваша научная статья «Образованный человек и компьютер» будет опубликована к концу года.
По смыслу нужен passive