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The date of appearance of today's Russia can be considered the date of collapse of the USSR. During this period, the CIS was created (as an attempt to reduce the damage from the rupture of traditional economic ties), as well as a fundamentally new foreign policy situation for Russia.
The first decade of existence of modern Russia is more associated with negative consequences - the most important economic ties with the countries of the former USSR were severed. Defence capability was significantly affected, there were almost no borders with the former republics. The single military-industrial complex collapsed. The former influence on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe was lost. Former CMEA and Warsaw Pact partners linked their plans for the future with the European Union and NATO.
The first years of the CIS countries deliberately distanced themselves from Russia, but a large number of social and economic problems that have arisen over the years of independence forced the countries to partially resume integration processes within the CIS. In 1992, a large number of documents regulating relations within the framework of the Commonwealth were adopted, as well as the Collective Security Treaty was signed. However, the CIS has not yet gained the status of a deeply integrated union of states.