Укажите время глагола в каждом предложении
1. She writes letters to her mother every week.
2. Mr. Smith died when he was 43 years old. He smoked a great deal.
3. Olga visited London last summer. She liked the city very much.
4. I found the books not where I had left them. Who took my books?
5. Yesterday we saw that man driving the old-fashioned car.
6. She was watching an interesting movie at 7 p.m. yesterday
7. Anna Akhmatova had leftin Leningrad before the Great Patriotic War began.
8. Miss Bennett will return tomorrow.
1. She writes letters to her mother every week. - Present Simple
2. Mr. Smith died when he was 43 years old. He smoked a great deal. - Past Simple
3. Olga visited London last summer. She liked the city very much. - Past Simple
4. I found (Past Simple) the books not where I had left (Past Perfect) them. Who took (Past Simple) my books?
5. Yesterday we saw (Past Simple) that man driving the old-fashioned car.
6. She was watching an interesting movie at 7 p.m. yesterday. - Past Continuous
7. Anna Akhmatova had left (Past Perfect) Leningrad before the Great Patriotic War began (Past Simple).
8. Miss Bennett will return (Future Simple) tomorrow.
- Если у глагола есть окончание -s, то это время Present Simple.
- Если в предложении используется 2-я форма смыслового глагола и нет никаких вспомогательных (либо используется did с отрицательной частицей not), то это Past Simple.
- Если глагол представлен 3-ей формой и перед ним стоит слово had, то это Past Perfect.
- Если сказуемое состоит из вспомогательного глагола was/were и глагола с окончанием -ing, то это Past Continuous.
- Если перед глаголом стоит will, это Future Simple.