Change the following sentences into indirect speech .
1. John said , " I love this town . "
2. " Do you like soccer ? " he asked me .
3. " I can't drive a lorry , " he said . "
4. " Be nice to your brother , " he said .
5. " Don't be nasty , " he said .
6. " Don't waste your money " she said .
7. " What have you decided to do ? " she asked him .
8. I always wake up early , " he said .
9. " You should revise your lessons , " he said .
10. " Where have you been ? " he asked me.
11. He said , " I have got a toothache "
12. Manu said , " I am very busy now " .
13. " Hurry up , " she said to to us .
14. " Give me a cup of water , " he told her . 15. She said , " I am going to college . "
16. She said to me , " Thank you "
17. Raju said , " Gautam must go tomorrow " 18. Geetha says , " My father is an Engineer."
19. He said , " I have passed the physical test . "
20. She said to me , " You are my only friend . "
1) John said that he loved that town.
2) He asked me if I liked soccer.
3) He said that he couldn't drive a lorry.
4) He asked me to be nice to my brother.
5) He urged me not to be nasty.
6) She told the boys not to waste their money.
7) She asked him what he had decided to do.
8) He said that he always woke up early.
9) He advised the students to revise their lessons.
10) He wanted to know where I had been
11) He said that he had a toothache.
12) Manu said that he was very busy then.
13) She told us to hurry up.
14) He asked her to give him a cup of water.
15) She said that she was going to college.
16) She thanked me.
17) Raju said that Gautam must go the following day.
18) Geetha says that her father is an Engineer.
19) He said that he had passed the physical test.
20) She told me that I was her only friend.
• в косвенных вопросах прямой порядок слов;
• личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются по смыслу;
• указательные местоимения и наречия времени / места при необходимости также заменяются по смыслу;
• общие вопросы вводятся союзами if или whether, означающих «ли»; вспомогательные глаголы do / did опускаются, таким образом порядок слов становится прямым. Другие вспомогательные глаголы меняются местами с подлежащим:
• специальные вопросы вводятся с помощью вопросительного слова, которое использовалось в вопросе прямой речи: what / who / where / when / why / which / whose / how. Таким образом, косвенный специальный вопрос имеет структуру:
вопросительное слово + подлежащее + сказуемое
• если вводный глагол в настоящем времени - нет никаких временных изменений #SPJ1