6 Cross out one incorrect word where necessary.
Some sentences are correct.
1 Sometimes my parents allow that me to go to a football
match on my own.
2 Even though I'm in an amateur team, they make us to
train very hard.
3 Actually, I don't mind playing volleyball in every PE class.
4 I'm sure Tim's doctor will advise him don't not to run the
marathon next year.
5 In 2013, the runner refused to sign the contract because
she wasn't happy with the conditions.
6 I can't help to feeling disappointed at the result.
1 Sometimes my parents allow t̶h̶a̶t̶ me to go to a football match on my own.
2 Even though I'm in an amateur team, they make us ̶t̶o̶ train very hard.
3 Actually, I don't mind playing volleyball in every PE class. - CORRECT
4 I'm sure Tim's doctor will advise him ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ not to run the marathon next year.
5 In 2013, the runner refused to sign the contract because she wasn't happy with the conditions. - CORRECT
6 I can't help t̶o̶ feeling disappointed at the result.
Это задание на знание конструкций с инфинитивами (когда инфинитив используется с частицей to, а когда - без неё) и герундием (это когда к глаголу добавлено "окончание" -ing, типа playing).
1 to allow smb to do smth - позволять кому-л. делать что-л.
2 to make smb do smth - заставлять кого-л. делать что-л.
3 to mind doing smth - возражать против чего-л.
4 to advise smb to do smth - советовать кому-л. сделать что-л.
5 to refuse to do smth - отказаться делать что-л.
6 can't help doing smth - не мочь удержаться сделать что-л.