7 Tom suffered from a .... cut on his leg. (PAIN)
8 The USA gained its in 1776. (DEPEND) 9... is faster these days because of the Internet. (COMMUNICATE)
10 The police arrested the three men for the ....... of the jewels. (THIEF)
11 Before she travelled to Africa, Susan had several .... to protect her from diseases. (INJECT)
12 My visit to London was because I went to a lot of museums. (MEMORY)
13 Mum sent my brother to his room because of his bad..............(MEMORY)
14 The researchers made an important ............. last week. (DISCOVER)
7 Tom suffered from a painful cut on his leg. (PAIN)
8 The USA gained its independence in 1776. (DEPEND)
9 Communication is faster these days because of the Internet. (COMMUNICATE)
10 The police arrested the three men for the theft of the jewels. (THIEF)
11 Before she travelled to Africa, Susan had several injections to protect her from diseases. (INJECT)
12 My visit to London was memorable because I went to a lot of museums. (MEMORY)
13 Mum sent my brother to his room because of his bad behaviour.
14 The researchers made an important discovery last week. (DISCOVER)
Чтобы правильно образовать слово, нужно понять смысл предложения и определить, какая часть речи пропущена.
7 Том страдал от болезненного пореза на ноге.
8 США обрели независимость в 1776 году.
9 В наши дни общение стало быстрее благодаря Интернету.
10 Полиция арестовала троих мужчин за кражу драгоценностей.
11 Перед поездкой в Африку Сьюзен сделала несколько инъекций, чтобы защитить себя от болезней.
12 Мой визит в Лондон был незабываемым, потому что я посетил много музеев.
13 Мама отправила моего брата в его комнату из-за его плохого поведения.
14 На прошлой неделе исследователи сделали важное открытие.