Exercise 1. Translate into Ukrainian.
1. I can speak four languages.
2. There’s no need to shout – I can hear you.
3. After only a few lessons, you will be able to understand basic Spanish.
4. Could you read when you were four?
5. Can you hear the sound?
6. I could hardly walk because I was very tired.
7. I could understand what they were talking about.
8. Despite his blindness, he is able to do without anybody’s help.
9. When the computer crashed yesterday, my grandfather was able to fix it.
10. Scientists have been able to isolate the gene responsible for causing the illness.
11. It’s too bad that you couldn’t come to the party last night.
12. My brother speaks French – he can act as an interpreter.
13. I cannot find my keys.
14. Could you fix the iron yourself?
15. Could Kate skate in her childhood?
16. I can’t sing that high.
17. Could you hear that all right?
18. He couldn’t dance a tango at all until he took lessons.
Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the modal verbs.
1. Dinosaurs … (to run) fast.
2. I read the book three times but I … (not to understand) it.
3. She is just eight months old but she … (to walk).
4. John … (to play tennis) really well. He’s champion of his club.
5. Kate is too small. She … (not to ride) a bike.
6. A boy was falling down but I ran up to him and … (to save) him.
7. … you (to hear) this unpleasant sound?
8. … you (to read) when you were five?
9. My mother … (not to explain) anything to her sister, so she didn’t even try to do it.
10. … you (to understand) anything now?
11. I … (not to open) this window. I think it’s stuck!
15. Who … (to do) this work?
16. The doctor examined her but … (to find) nothing wrong.
17. … you (to help) them?
18. I was sent an email but I … (not to open) that attachment.
Exercise 3. Translate into English and comment on the modal verbs.
1.Я вас добре чую.
2. Коли їй було три роки, вона вміла кататися на велосипеді (to ride a bike).
3. Ти пам’ятаєш, як її звуть?
4. Ти чула, що вона казала?
5. Я піду з тобою у басейн. Ти побачиш, що я вмію швидко плавати.
6. Я не можу сказати точну дату свого від’їзду.
7. Ми могли б йому допомогти, але подумали, що він негідний цього.
8. Мені вдалося завершити роботу над своєю книгою три роки тому.
9. Він не міг перекладати складні тексти, коли вчився на першому курсі.
11. Вона живе у Чікаго, наскільки я пам’ятаю.
12. Ми змогли тільки розгледіти (to make out) будівлю крізь дерева.
13. Ти зміг описати грабіжника поліції?
14. Учора я пішла спати пізно, але заснути одразу не змогла.
15. Я не вміла кататися на ковзанах у десять років. А зараз я катаюсь дуже добре.
Exercise 4. Translate into Ukrainian and comment.
1.‘Please may I use your laptop?’ ‘Feel free.’
2. May I open the window?
3. May I do that for you?
4. May I see your license and registration, ma’am?
5. ‘May I go?’ ‘No, you may not.’
6. I think you might at least offer to help!
7. You may start.
8. The teacher said we might come in.
9. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?
10. You might give me a lift home.
Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the modal verbs.
1. … I (to ask) you a question?
2. … we (to help) you find your seats?
3. … I (to have) your phone number, please?
4. ‘I have a high blood pressure. Maybe I should go to the chemist’s and buy some medicine forit.’ ‘You … also (to consult) your doctor.’
5. … I (to use) your calculator?
1. Я можу говорити чотирма мовами.
2. Не треба кричати – я чую тебе.
3. Всього після кількох уроків ви зможете розуміти базову іспанську мову.
4. Ви вміли читати, коли вам було чотири?
5. Ви чуєте звук?
6. Я майже не міг ходити, бо дуже втомився.
7. Я міг зрозуміти, про що вони говорили.
8. Незважаючи на свою сліпоту, він може обходитися без чиєїсь допомоги.
9. Коли вчора комп’ютер вийшов із ладу, дідусь зміг це виправити.
10. Вченим вдалося виділити ген, відповідальний за викликання хвороби.
11. Шкода, що ви не змогли прийти на вечірку вчора ввечері.
12. Мій брат розмовляє французькою – він може виступати перекладачем.
13. Я не можу знайти ключі.
14. Чи не могли б ви полагодити праску самостійно?
15. Чи вміла Кейт кататися на ковзанах в дитинстві?
16. Я не можу співати так високо.
17. Ти чуєш це добре?
18. Він взагалі не міг танцювати танго, поки не взяв уроки.
1. Dinosaurs ran fast.
2. I read the book three times, but I didn't understand it.
3. She is only eight months old, but she is walking.
4. John plays tennis very well. He is the champion of his club.
5. Kate is too small. She does not ride a bicycle.
6. The boy fell, but I ran to him and saved him.
7.… did you hear this unpleasant sound?
8. Did you know how to read when you were five?
9. My mother didn't explain anything to her sister, so she didn't even try.
10.… did you understand something now?
11. I will not open this window. I think I'm stuck!
15. Who did this work?
16. The doctor examined her, but found nothing wrong.
17.… did you help them?
18. I was sent an email, but I did not open this attachment.
1.… Did I ask you a question?
2.… Are we here to help you find your places?
3.… Can I have your phone number, please?
4. "I have high blood pressure. Maybe I should go to the pharmacy and buy medicine. “You also consult your doctor. '
5.… Did I use your calculator?