3 Match each sentence in direct speech (a-e) with its summarized version in reported speech (1-5). a) 'Look, sorry about this, but I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit late!....... b) 'Actually I've no idea at all where I am!' c) The thing is, I know it's silly but I've missed the bus............. d) 'Anyway, I'll be back in next to no time.. e) 'I did ring, you know, earlier in the evening. 1 She said she would be back soon. 2 She said she had missed the bus. 3 She said she was going to be late. 4 She said she had already rung. 5 She said she didn't know where she was. 4 Complete each sentence, using say, tell or speak in an appropriate form. a) Daniel ...tol....... me that he was playing in the school basketball team. b) I ................. to Helen, and she ............ she would phone you. c) 'You're lucky, Steve. T you that you would win!' the President what everyone was ................ d) A translator e) 'Look,' I her, 'why don't you................. me what you mean?' Chinese, but she didn't believe me. f) 1 my teacher that I 5 Rewrite each sentence in reported speech, beginning as shown. a) 'I won't be there because I'm having a party,' said Lucy. Lucy told us that she wouldn't be there because she was having..... ...a..party..... b) 'I've lost the map and I don't know the way,' said Jack. Jack told me that he c) 'When I finish the book, I'm going to watch television,' said Jessica. Jessica said that when d) 'I'm doing some homework but I won't be long,' said Mike. Mike said that he e) 'I got up late and I missed the bus,' said Richard. Richard said that he
Сопоставьте каждое предложение в прямой речи (a-e) с его краткой версией в косвенной речи (1-5)
a) 'Look, sorry about this, but I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit late! - 3. She said she was going to be late.
"Послушай, извини за это, но я боюсь, что я немного опоздаю!" - Она сказала, что опоздает.
b) 'Actually I've no idea at all where I am!' - 5. She said she didn't know where she was.
"Вообще-то я понятия не имею, где я нахожусь!"
- Она сказала, что не знает, где находится.
c) The thing is, I know it's silly but I've missed the bus - 2. She said she had missed the bus.
Дело в том, что я знаю, что это глупо, но я пропустила автобус - Она сказала, что пропустила автобус.
d) "Anyway, I'll be back in next to no time." - 1. She said she would be back soon
"В любом случае, я скоро вернусь."
- Она сказала, что скоро вернется
e) 'I did ring, you know, earlier in the evening. - 4. She said she had already rung.
"Я звонила, знаешь, раньше вечером." Она сказала, что уже звонила.
a) Daniel told me that he was playing in the school basketball team.
b) I spoke to Helen, and she said she would phone you.
c) 'You're lucky,' Steve said. 'I told you that you would win!'.
d) A translator told the President what everyone was saying.
e) 'Look,' I told her, 'why don't you tell me what you mean?'
f) I told my teacher that I spoke Chinese, but she didn't believe me.
Say - сказать, утверждать, сообщать, произносить наизусть, толковать, молвить.
Tell - рассказывать, сообщать, выбалтывать, приказывать.
Speak - изъясняться, обращаться к кому-то, высказываться.
b) 'I've lost the map and I don't know the way,' said Jack.
Jack told me that he'd lost the map and he didn't know the way.
c) 'When I finish the book, I'm going to watch television,' said Jessica.
Jessica said that when she finished the book, she was going to watch television.
d) 'I'm doing some homework but I won't be long,' said Mike.
Mike said that he was doing some homework but he wouldn't be long.
e) 'I got up late and I missed the bus,' said Richard.
Richard said that he had got up late and (had) missed the bus.
Перевод в косвенную речь.
• Если в главном предложении глагол, вводящий прямую речь, стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то в косвенной речи в придаточном предложении глагол изменяется в соответствиями с правилами согласования времен, то есть принимает соответствующую форму прошедшего времени. То есть если в прямой речи было Present Simple, время меняется на Past Simple; если было Present Perfect, меняется на Past Perfect; если Present Continuous, меняется на Past Continuous. Если же в прямой речи было будущее время, оно меняется с помощью глагола would на соответствующую форму «будущее в прошедшем» (Future in the Past).
Таблицу согласования времен смотри во вложении.# SPJ1