даю 100 балов! срочнооо. тема : the passive

- 1) The office is being shown around to a new lawyer.
- 2) The door was locked at 10 p.m. last night.
- 3) These cakes are loved by everyone.
- 4) It is hoped that the burglars are punished severely.
- 5) These cars are made in Italy.
- 6) Elections are being held at the moment.
- 7) The diamonds were stolen by a criminal gang.
- 8) I'm sure the criminals will be caught by them.
Изменяем предложения в соответствии с временем, которое используется в активном залоге.
Т.е. если в предложении используется Present Simple, используем Present Simple Passive, если Present Continuous, используем Present Continuous Passive и т.п.
1) The office is being shown around to a new lawyer.
Present Continuous Passive (конструкция am/is/are + being + V3).
2) The door was locked at 10 p.m. last night.
Past Simple Passive (конструкция was/were + V3).
3) These cakes are loved by everyone.
Present Simple Passive (конструкция am/is/are + V3).
4) It is hoped that the burglars are punished severely.
Present Simple Passive (конструкция am/is/are + V3).
«I hope» меняем на «It is hoped».
5) These cars are made in Italy.
Present Simple Passive (конструкция am/is/are + V3).
6) Elections are being held at the moment.
Present Continuous Passive (конструкция am/is/are + being + V3).
7) The diamonds were stolen by a criminal gang.
Past Simple Passive (конструкция was/were + V3).
8) I'm sure the criminals will be caught by them.
Future Simple Passive (конструкция will + be + V3).
«I'm sure» пассивного эквивалента не имеет.
*V3 — третья форма глагола (Past Participle). К правильным глаголам (regular verbs) добавляется окончание -ed, неправильные изменяются в соответствии с правилом (т.к. являются исключениями).