Предмет: Химия, автор: julyasha05

визначте розчинність ферум(lll) гідроксиду і концентрацію йонів Fe³+ (г/л) в насиченому розчині.ДР (Fe(OH)3)=3,2•10^-38​

Аноним: Дepжи http://cloudanex.com/file/dba314
B фaйлe дoбaвил кoммeнтaрии, чтoб былo пoнятнee.


Автор ответа: dasshtrudel


Fe(OH)3 = Fe3[+] + 3OH[-]

[Fe3+]=s [OH-]=3s - где S - молярная растворимость в насыщенном растворе




Cm(Fe(OH3))=1,8554*10^-10 - растворимость моль на литр


Ks(Fe(OH)3)=(1,8554*10^-10)*107=1.98*10^-8 г/литр - растворимость


C(Fe[3+])=(1,8554*10^-10)*56=1.03*10^-8 г/литр - концентрация катионов

vazovskiiy: Допоможіть, будь ласка, із моїм завданням по хімії (воно у мене в профілі), за нього даю 100 балів!! Дякую заздалегідь.

Помогите, пожалуйста, с моим заданием по химии (оно у меня в профиле), за него даю 100 баллов!! Заранее спасибо.
Smechariki67: Помогите пожалуйста
Smechariki67: Найти массу серебра, которое выделится при частичном окислении этаналя массой 20 граммов, по реакции "серебряного зеркала"?
Smechariki67: Очень прошу
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 555otlichnik5555
Помогите пожалуйста, это срочно.

ТЕКСТ: I love New Year's Day! To me, this is a day when my family get together and enjoy themselves. On January 1st, my house is always full of aunts, uncles and cousins who I haven't seen for ages and we all have the chance to catch up with each other's news. My mum always makes a delicious roast beef lunch and we all sit around the table and eat, talk and laugh for hours. After this huge meal, it's time, to watch the Rose Bowl. The Rose Bowl is one of the most important football championships in American League football. Everybody has their favourite team and sometimes the yelling and cheering can get very loud! The food and the football are all great, but i think the best part of the day is when we make our New year resolutions. Although most people don't keep their New Year promises, it is interesting to hear what everybody wants to change about themselves!

1. Sherry doesn't really enjoy New Year's Day
А) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say
2. New Year's Day is on the first day of January.
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say
3. New Year's Day is celebrated all over the world.
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say
4. Sherry's mum makes a big dinner on New Year's Day.
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say
5. Sherry's family help wash the dishes after the meal.
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say
6. The people in Sherry's family always support the same football team.
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say 7. Sherry's favourite part of the holiday is the food
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say

Предмет: Русский язык, автор: komisar2003