Составить два предложения во времени Past Simple,ОДНО С ПРАВИЛЬНЫМ ГЛАГОЛОМ ,ДРУГОЕ С НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫМ ГЛАГОЛОМ.ПОСТАВИТЬ ЭТИ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНУЮ ФОРМУ И ЗАДАТЬ 5 ТИПОВ ВОПРОСОВ(разделительный вопрос,вопрос к подлежащему,общий вопрос,отрицательный вопрос,специальный вопрос,альтернативный вопрос).ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!
1. Last Saturday I helped my mother about the house.
Last Saturday I did not help my mother about the house.
Did I help my mother about the house last Saturday? (Общий).
Who helped my mother about the house? (Вопрос к подлежащему).
When did I help my mother?(Специальный).
Did I help my mother or my grandmother last Saturday? (Альтернативный).
Last Saturday I helped my mother about the house, didn't I? (Разделительный).
2. He bought a present for Mary yesterday.
He didn't buy a present for Mary yesterday.
Did he buy a present for Mary yesterday? (Общий).
Who bought a present for Mary yesterday? (Вопрос к подлежащему).
What did he buy for Mary yesterday? (Специальный).
Did he buy a present fir Mary or for Kate yesterday? (Альтернативный).
He bought a present for Mary yesterday, didn't he? (Разделительный).