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Golden beauty blond braid
Golden beauty blond braid
Once a miracle happened in a large family: a girl with long golden hair was born. They named her Zlata. Soon she became a real beauty. She was loved for her kindness and affection. But the older sister hated the younger one for getting all the attention. In a dream, an evil sorceress came to the envious woman and revealed a secret: if Zlata cut off her braid, she would become a hunchback. The sister woke up, took scissors, cut off the sleeping girl's wonderful hair and burned it. At the same moment, Zlata turned into an ugly hunchback. In the morning everyone woke up and got scared, they kicked her out of the house. For a long time she wandered through the forests and swamps.Tired, she sat down on a stump and cried. A gray wolf ran past, stopped and asked why she was crying so bitterly. Zlata told him her story. The wolf hit the ground three times and turned into a bay horse. The hunchback climbed with difficulty, and they rushed to the magical kingdom-state. There they were met by a good fairy and removed the witching charms from the hunchback. Zlata returned to her beauty and golden hair to toe. The prince fell in love with her, and they began to live in love and harmony. And the envious sister quickly grew old and died.