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The judicial system reform implemented in May-July 2010 became the most significant event over the last years. At the same time judicial system became more politicized and judges – more dependent on politicians. The reform has been anticipated for years; at the end, however, it failed in many aspects.
Past years were marked by serious violations of the right to fair trial. The major problems in this area can be described as follows:
Violation of reasonable time limits established for consideration of cases and mass non-execution of court decisions;
Deviation of general courts system, types and stages in administration of justice from requirement of the Constitution;
Incomplete reform of procedural law; criminal procedure and proceedings on administrative offence, adopted at the soviet times, their concept and provisions contradict many human rights’ standards;
Courts’ overload and lack of operation transparency;
Lack of financial and administrative independence of the judges: the judges’ appointment is not a transparent process; the judges’ remuneration is not defined by clear system; heads of courts perform a lot of functions, inappropriate for their status (i.e. administrative and managerial functions, cases assignments, professional growth and social benefits for the judges (vacations, awards etc.), widely exercised pressure on behalf of the authorities;
Insufficient funding for judicial branch;
Low professional qualifications of a large number of judges and low efficiency of the professional responsibility system;