Mask3. Check your understanding: gak till Do this exercise while you listen Ognplete the gaps with the correct word. 1. The organization Tourism Australia is offering sir jobs, for six 2. If you want one of these jobs, you have to make a short 3. The job of outback adventurer is for someone with a passion for life. 4. Jok number two is a park in Queensland, 5. The wildlife caretaker job on Kangaroo Island is for someone who loves 6. If you're not an outdoor person, the next job is for someone whose talents are in 7. The taste master will need to about food as well as enjoy eating it
1. The organisation Tourism Australia is offering six jobs, for six months.
2. If you want one of these jobs, you have to make a short video.
3. The job of outback adventurer is for someone with a passion for outdoor life.
4. Job number two is a park ranger in Queensland.
5. The wildlife caretaker job on Kangaroo Island is for someone who loves animals.
6. If you’re not an outdoor person, the next job is for someone whose talents are in journalism, writing, photography or making videos.
7. The taste master will need to know about food as well as enjoy eating it.
8. The final job is based in Sydney.
1. Организация «Туризм Австралии» предлагает шесть рабочих мест на шесть месяцев.
2. Если вы хотите одну из этих работ, вы должны сделать короткое видео.
3. Работа искателя приключений в глубинке предназначена для тех, кто страстно любит жизнь на природе.
4. Работа номер два — смотритель парка в Квинсленде.
5. Работа смотрителя дикой природы на острове Кенгуру для тех, кто любит животных.
6. Если вы не любитель активного отдыха, следующая работа для тех, у кого есть таланты в журналистике, писательстве, фотографии или создании видео.
7. Мастер вкуса должен знать о еде, а также получать от нее удовольствие.
8. Последняя работа находится в Сиднее. #SPJ1