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обрезной материал. по технологии ​


Автор ответа: vikbrod4


Доска обрезная изготавливается из бревна путем его продольной распиловки при этом кромки покрытые корой, обрезаются (отсюда «обрезная»). Таким образом, это доска не имеет поверхностей, покрытых корой и поэтому она пользуется гораздо большим спросом, чем доска не обрезная

ganievaaliman111: что относится к обрезному материалу
vikbrod4: по источникам в интернете судя по всему доски
ganievaaliman111: спс
vikbrod4: мгм
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: misha7117

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, напишите количественные местоимения much, many. Переведите предложения (Present Simple, to be).
Образец: There (to be) много children in the garden.
There are many children in the garden.
В саду много детей.
1. The family’s library (to be) large. There (to be) много interesting books in it.
2. My sister’s husband (to be) a good lecturer. There (to be) always много useful information in his lectures.
3. This (to be) my brothers letter. There (to be) много good news in it.
4. My uncle’s wife (to be) slim. There (to be) много fruit and vegetables in her diet.
5. My friend’s father (to be) fond of music. There (to be) много good music at their parties
Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, поставьте сказуемое в форме Present Simple.
1. He (to know) much about economy.
2. We (to live) not far from this place.
3. You (to write) letters once a month.
4. She (to manage) her house well.
5. Children (to like) to play computer games.
Задание 4. Напишите отрицательные предложения (Present Simple).
1. Your friend often comes to your place.
2. My relatives live in the country.
3. Their sisters study at University.
4. His nephew speaks Spanish well.
5. My niece does at school well.
Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте сказуемое в Present Simple или в Present Continuous. Переведите предложения.
1. It (to be) spring now, the sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing).
2. I usually (write) letters once a week. I (to write) a letter to my granny now.
3. My younger sister (to be) in the garden and she (to water) the flowers.
4. The young man (to smoke) much. It (to be) bad for his health.
5. Something (to be) wrong with the car. My friends (to repair) it now.
Задание 6. Раскройте скобки и поставьте сказуемые в Past Simple. Переведите.
1. I (to have) a terrible morning last week.
2. I (not to hear) the alarm clock and (to oversleep) for a half an hour.
3. I (to try) to get ready in a hurry.
4. First I (to loose) one of my contact lenses.
5. It (to take) me ten minutes to find them.
6. I (to see) the missing lens on the bed.
7. I (to put) them in hurriedly but (discover) that they (to be) in the wrong eyes.
8. I (decide) not to bother with them and it (to take) me ten minutes to find my glasses.
9. At last I (to set off).
10. I (to fall) asleep on the bus and (to miss) my bus stop.
11. I (to walk) back for a half a mile.
12. I (to be) sure that I (to be) an hour late.
13. But when I (to arrive) there no one in the office.
14. It (to be) Sunday

Задание 7. Раскройте скобки и поставьте сказуемое в Past Simple или в Past Continuous. Переведите.
1. I (to meet) a friend when I (to do) shopping.
2. I (to pay) for my things when I (to hear) someone (to call) my name.
3. I (to turn) and (to see) Paula.
4. She (wear) a bright red coat.
5. We (to decide) to have a cup of coffee.
Задание 8. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
1. Сегодня погода хуже, чем вчера.
2. Это хорошая идея, но его предложение лучше, чем ваша.
3. Самая важная задача – это сдать экзамены.
4. Я знаю ее хорошо. Она лучшая хозяйка дома.
5. Это самый интересный фильм.
Задание 9. Раскройте скобки и поставьте сказуемое в Future Simple или в Future Continuous.
1. I promise you, I (to do) it next week.
2. Don’t call me tomorrow at 12. I (to work) at this time.
3. You (to enjoy) fresh mountain air the whole month.
4. The telephone is ringing. I (to answer).
5. He (to recognize) her: she (to wear) a bright red coat.
Предмет: Математика, автор: fhdbj