Задать вопросы к предложению she goes to the country every summer
When she goes to the country?
where is she going in the every summer?
who is going to the country every summer?
She goes to the country every summer.
General or Yes/No Questions:
Does she go to the country every summer?
Special or Wh-Questions:
She goes to the country every summer.
- Who goes to the country every summer?
She goes to the country every summer.
- What does she do every summer?
She goes to the country every summer.
- Where does she go every summer?
She goes to the country every summer.
- How often does she go to the country?
Choice Questions:
- Does Mark or she go to the country every summer?
- Does she go to the country every summer or walk on foot?
- Does she go to the country or New York every summer?
- Does she go to the country every summer or winter?
Disjunctive or Tag Questions:
She goes to the country every summer, doesn't she?
General or Yes/No Questions:
Это вопросы, требующие ответов да или нет. Н-р:
She swims a lot.
Does she swim a lot?
Do/does + subject + Verb + ... (rest of the sentence/оставшаяся часть предлож.)
Special or Wh-Questions:
Это вопросы к отдельным словам предложения (см. сверху в ответе).
WH + do/does + subject + Verb
Где WH один из слов: what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why, and how. Примеры использования некоторых - см. рис. 1, рис. 2.
В предложениях с who после who идёт глагол, а не do/does.
Choice Questions:
Вопросы, к отдельным словам с предоставленным выбором. Н-р (рус.):
Она идёт в кино с парнем или семьёй?
Для образования choice questions, нужно после (или же в конце) предложения написать or smth.
Disjunctive or Tag Questions:
Вопросительные предложения с ", не так ли?".
"..., main verb + subj", где
... - часть предложения до "не так ли?"
main verb - "инверсия" глагола. Т.е.:
She swims: "..., doesn't she?"
He is smart: "..., isn't he?"
subj - подлежащее.