Card 8 - «Science and Technology 1. How often do you take medicine? 2. How has medicine changed in the past hundred years? 3. How different would the world be without medicine? 4. What do you think the next revolution in medicine will be? Total 161
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Card 8 1) i take medicine every time i get sick 2) In the past hungred years medicine has changed a lot. We have far more power over most diseases now, and even where cure is absent life is made much more comfortable and prolonged.Physiology and pathology are far better understood, and even the very process of medical research has undergone improvement in efficiency, efficacy, and volume. 3) The world would be absolutely different, because people would just die out because of diseases. 4) The next revolution in medicine will be brought about by artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning (DL) and the internet of things (IoT), concepts commonly heard in tech geek events but quite unheard of amongthe medical fraternity.
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