Предмет: Английский язык, автор: masha863536

Choose the correct alternative:

1 I was getting off/got off the train when I dropped my suitcase.
2 I noticed a mark on the door while I was cleaning/cleaned the car.
3 We were cycling/cycled to the river and had a picnic on the grass.
4 After the test, I was having/had a short chat with my teacher.
5 While my dad was reversing the car, he was hitting/hit the rubbish bin in our garden.
6 I felt/had felt nervous because I never was/had never been on a plane before.
7 We read/had read a few travel books before we decided/had decided to visit Patagonia.
8 She reserved/had reserved a place for her tent a few weeks before, but when she arrived/had arrived, the campsite was full.
9 The area was/had been quite clean, as some responsible residents cleaned/had cleaned all the rubbish away.
10 Did you ever find/Had you ever found the luggage you lost/had lost in the airport?
11 I never thought/had never thought that travelling could harm the environment so dramatically before I read/had read that story in the paper.
12 We planned/had planned a very detailed itinerary, but then we didn’t have/hadn’t had the time to visit all the places on our list.
13 I managed/had managed to communicate with the local people because I learnt/had learnt a few words before the trip.


Автор ответа: lera8364


1 I was getting off/got off the train when I dropped my suitcase.

2 I noticed a mark on the door while I was cleaning/cleaned the car.

3 We were cycling/cycled to the river and had a picnic on the grass.

4 After the test, I was having/had a short chat with my teacher.

5 While my dad was reversing the car, he was hitting/hit the rubbish bin in our garden.

6 I felt/had felt nervous because I never was/had never been on a plane before.

7 We read/had read a few travel books before we decided/had decided to visit Patagonia.

8 She reserved/had reserved a place for her tent a few weeks before, but when she arrived/had arrived, the campsite was full.

9 The area was/had been quite clean, as some responsible residents cleaned/had cleaned all the rubbish away.

10 Did you ever find/Had you ever found the luggage you lost/had lost in the airport?

11 I never thought/had never thought that travelling could harm the environment so dramatically before I read/had read that story in the paper.

12 We planned/had planned a very detailed itinerary, but then we didn’t have/hadn’t had the time to visit all the places on our list.

13 I managed/had managed to communicate with the local people because I learnt/had learnt a few words before the trip.


Past Perfect подчеркивает, что событие произошло к определенному моменту в прошлом, при этом не сообщает, когда именно это случилось.

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