Предмет: Английский язык, автор: z0chem1mya

2. Reading: Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F):
Most Americans do little or no exercise during work or rest hours. Today there aren't many jobs
requiring intense physical activity. Instead of walking, people use automobiles or public transportation,
Instead of being physically active, people usually watch TV in their five time. Exercise is very
important and is beneficial both physically and mentally. When you exercise, you feel better about
yourself because you are fit or you're getting fit. The benefits of physical activity are it gives you more
tinergy, it helps you in coping with stress, it improves self-image, and it increases resistance of
Exercise does not only keep you fit, it also reduces your chance of heart attack, Various studies
have shown that the chance of heart attack is two times more likely to happen to an inactive person
than a more active person. It really all adds up because with exercising, you burn of calories, which
keeps you at your desirable weight, which lowers your risk of heart disease,
Exercising too hard is not good for anyone, however, and is especially dangerous for out of
shape, middle-aged and older people. It is very important for all people to follow a gradual and sound
exercise program,
With some of this information earlier stated, exercise seems pretty dangerous, but it's not very
dangerous at all, you just need to be careful. No research studies have shown that physically active
people are more likely to have sudden, fatal heart attacks than inactive people. A matter of fact, several
studies have shown a reduced risk of sudden death for people who are physically active.
1. Most Americans neglect the physical exercises.
2. When you exercise, you feel tired and sick because you are getting fit.
3. There are many benefits of physical activity,
4. Inactive people haven't any chances of suffering from heart attack
5. Elderly people should do exercises more actively and longer than others.
6. Some studies have shown that more people suddenly pass away in the result of doing exercises.
Total: 6 points

alisherzzzy: тебе во сколько сдавать
z0chem1mya: Яужк сдал
alisherzzzy: помоги найти
alisherzzzy: ты болеешь и тебе скинули?


Автор ответа: SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves


  1. T
  2. F
  3. T
  4. F
  5. F
  6. F


1. Большинство американцев пренебрегают физическими упражнениями. ✅

"Most Americans do little or no exercise during work or rest hours."

("Большинство американцев мало занимаются или вообще не занимаются спортом во время часов работы или отдыха.")

2. Когда вы занимаетесь спортом, вы чувствуете усталось и тошноту, потому что вы набираете форму. ❌

"When you exercise, you feel better about yourself because you are fit or you're getting fit."

("Когда вы занимаетесь спортом, у вас поднимается самооценка, потому что вы в форме или набираете форму.")

3. У физической активности много преимуществ. ✅

"The benefits of physical activity are it gives you more energy, it helps you in coping with stress, it improves self-image, and it increases resistance of tiredness."

("Преимущества физической активности заключаются в том, что она дает вам больше энергии, помогает справляться со стрессом, повышает самооценку, и вы начинаете лучше преодолевать усталость.")

4. У малоактивных людей практически нет шансов получить сердечный приступ. ❌

"Various studies have shown that the chance of heart attack is two times more likely to happen to an inactive person than a more active person."

("Различные исследования показали, что шансы малоактивного человека получить сердечный приступ выше в два раза по сравнению с активным человеком.")

5. Пожилые люди должны заниматься дольше и активнее остальных. ❌

"Exercising too hard is not good for anyone, however, and is especially dangerous for out of shape, middle-aged and older people."

("Слишком напряженные тренировки никому не приносят пользы, но особенно они опасны для людей не в форме, среднего возраста и пожилых.")

6. Некоторые исследования показали, что много людей неожиданно умирают из-за занятий спортом. ❌

"A matter of fact, several studies have shown a reduced risk of sudden death for people who are physically active."

("На самом деле некоторые исследования показали, что у физически активных людей меньше риск внезапно умереть.")


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