Решите задание на фото
1. My friends go to school from Monday to Friday.
2. Why do you go to work by bus whem you own a car? - Because I don't have a driving license.
3. His mother likes working with people and that's why she is a teacher.
4. He doesn't sleep eight hours a day, he sleeps only five hours.
5. We aren't in London, we are in Prague.
6. Where does she work? She works in a bank.
Чтобы образовать Present Simple нужно убрать у глагола в инфинитиве частицу «to» и поставить глагол после подлежащего. Если подлежащее в 3м лице, ед.числе, то к глаголу добавляем окончание -s
I/We/You/They + V
She/He/It + Vs(es)
I/We/You/They + do not (don’t) + V
Sh /He/It + does not (doesn’t) + V
Вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим
Do + I/we/you/they + V?
Does + she/he/it +V?