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текст на английском про реку амур
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Ответ:The name of the river came from the common basis for the Tungusic-Manchu languages Amar, Damur — "big river". The Chinese called Amur "Heihe" "black river", then "Heilongjiang" "Black Dragon River". According to legend, in ancient times, a black dragon that lived in the river and personified good, defeated an evil, white dragon that drowned boats on the river, prevented people from fishing and generally attacked any living creature. The winner stayed at the bottom of the river in the Khingan Cheeks area, which is on the border of the Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions. Since then, this river has been called the Black Dragon River.
Также The "tail" of the Black Dragon is located in the steppes of Mongolia and Dauria, the "trunk" lies in four Russian regions and in one Chinese province. The two left "paws" reach the very Stanovoi Ridge, where the tributaries of the Amur — Zeya and Bureya originate, and the two right "paws" — the tributaries of the Sungari and Ussuri — in China and in Primorye. The Dragon's "head" rests on the Sea of Okhotsk, and he "drinks the water" of the Tatar Strait. The length of the "body" of the Black Dragon from the "tail" to the "head" is more than 4,500 km, and its area (Amur Basin) reaches 1.8 million km2.