39 Скажи, что, по-твоему, неправильно в этих предложениях. Исправь их.
текст:( задание по тексту)
In summer we have our holidays too. In June we go to the country. Our grandad and granny have a small house by the lake. We like sunny hot weather. In June and July we often play sports. Phil plays football and tennis and I prefer badminton. I play badminton very well. When it's hot, we swim in the lake. In August our parents come to see us. We sometimes have picnics. We play a lot. We like summer very much because we are free.
We don't like rainy days, but we like autumn too. We often go to the woods in autumn. We like to look at the trees when they have red and yellow leaves. Our favourite autumn month is September. There are a lot of mushrooms in September. We go back to school in September and meet our friends after the holidays. We think friends are very important. My best friend is Lucy and Phil's best friend is Max. Max's birthday is in October. And Lucy's birthday is in November.
заранее спасибо.

1)Phil and Kate have their holidays in summer
2)They go to the country in June
3)Their granddad and granny have a small house by the lake
4)They like sunny hot weather
5)In June and July they often play sports
6)Kate plays badminton very well
7)When it's hot, they swim in the lake
8)In August their parents come to see them
9)They like summer very much because they are free
10)They often go to woods in autumn
11)Their favorite autumn month is September
12)There are many mushrooms in September
1. Phil and Kate have their holidays in summer - Фил и Кейт отдыхают летом
(ошибка: don't have - не отдыхают)
2. They go to the country in June - Они едут в деревню в июне
(ошибка: in September - в сентябре)
3. Their grandad and granny have a small house by the lake - У их дедушки и бабушки есть небольшой дом на берегу озера
(ошибка: a big house near the sea - большой дом возле моря)
4. They like sunny hot weather - Они любят солнечную жаркую погоду
(ошибка: don't like - не любят)
5. In June and July they often play sports - В июне и июле они часто занимаются спортом
(ошибка: never play - никогда не занимаются)
6. Kate plays badminton very well - Кейт очень хорошо играет в бадминтон
(ошибка: very badly - очень плохо)
7. When it's hot, they swim in the lake - Когда жарко, они купаются в озере
(ошибка: cold - холодно)
8. In August their parents come to see them - В августе к ним приезжают родители
(ошибка: in January - в январе)
9. They like summer very much because they are free - Они очень любят лето, потому что они свободны
(ошибка: do their homework every day - делают д/з каждый день)
10. They often go to the woods in autumn - Осенью они часто ходят в лес
(ошибка: seldom - редко)
11. Their favourite autumn month is September - Их любимый осенний месяц - сентябрь
(ошибка: November - ноябрь)
12. There are many mushrooms in September - В сентябре много грибов
(ошибка: in December - в декабре)