Предмет: Химия, автор: anyaperegoedova2005

Напишите уравнение реакций, с помощью которых из этана можно получить циклогексан


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Ты негр работай сам


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: amazinglance
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Computer is one of the inventions of the 20th century that changed the
world greatly. The first computers of the 1940s were enormous. But now
they are almost in every family and in every office building.
Most rnachines do only one job, some are multifunctional ( e.g. а ТУ set +
+ DVD player). But no device is as multifunctional as computer. The parts
of the macblne (or its hardware) remain the same, you change only the
program (software) and your computer immediately learns to do various
things. А browser program is designed to look at pages on the Internet (you
can also say to browse, tbls accounts for the word browser). А word processor
program lets you to print text and then change styles of fonts and sizes of
pages. А database program is used for searching and sorting records. Such
program is used in shops, libraries, hospitals, accountant offices, and so on.
They make work with great amounts of data much quicker.
Computers are found everywhere and used in every sphere of life. In а
plant one can make а computer model of а car or plane and check its
resistance to stress. Such calculations without а computer could have
taken several months. Computer is used at school: children watch films,
presentations and web pages. This helps them to study effectively.
Computers also have some disadvantages. There is а famous joke that
computers are designed to solve problems but half of the time they are the
problem. As computer is а complicated device, one small breakage may
stop its work. Moreover, the equipment is soon out of date.
Besides, there is а problem of compatibility. First of all, there are
hardware devices which can't work with the old operating systems, such as
а processor, а hard disk drive, а video card, etc. Then, there are programs
which need more resources than computer actually lшs.
Thirdly, computers become more and more complicated, and much
effort is required to learn how to work with them. Fourthly, computer
viruses cause а lot of trouЬle - they can spoil, remove or steal computer
data, and every user knows it well from his experience.
And on top of all, computer is а multifunctional device, as we already
know, so it can bе used both to do work and to entertain oneself. Children
often fall prey to computer and Internet: they play computer games, spend
their free time chatting with friends on the Internet and doing practically
nothing. This aspect can't bе denied.
То crown it all, computer is а good device like many others, designed
to help people. But it's our own free will that lets us use it in order not to
waste time but to get best results.

1. When was computer invented?
2. Were there many computers in the middle of the 20th century? Why
do you think so? Find the possible explanation in the text.
3. Is computer а multifunctional device?
Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: Yurik2004
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