Express your opinion about Ukrainian take-away food. Is it popular and safe? Do you like it? How often do you eat it? (8-10 sentences).
Street food takes a back seat here, not like in other countries (you can only find stalls of Georgian cuisine and fresh pies at the market, and our favourite Pancake week Fair ( Maslenitsya/Masnytsya )). This is due, – on the one hand, – to the widespread development of specialized catering networks selling takeaway food, and, – on the other hand, – to the tightening of legislation in the field of safety and health protection.
And now yes, truly, in such stalls, or small cafes with a window for serving a ready, hermetically packed order and a field with the tables under a canopy or without, it's very convenient, and the quality is really in sight and everything is decent, clean, white, the «food kiosk», at least, isn't in a wasteland. You can ask for a certificate of the quality of products or read about this chain of cafes with takeaway food on the Internet.
Prices are more or less normal. Everything is in moderation of the prices of ingredients: meat, flour, spices, cheese, etc.
We have a lot of such «takeaway eateries» in the neighbourhood and people who, for example, went out for lunch, often hang around them.
I, too, sometimes take either a shawarma, or some kind of hot dog. So tasty, though greasy.
8 sentences.