1. John is known to be good at drawing. 2. They think that he is smart. 3. He is believed to be the next person to be promoted. 4. It is known that the Romans were the first to build numerous stone bridges. 5. Turtle Island is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. 6. It is known that a doctor is one of the most prestigious jobs in the world. 7. They believe that a monster lives in Loch Ness. 8. Michelle is known to work very hard. 9. It is believed that this summer will be hot. 10. They think that Ann will receive an award. 11. Laughter is supposed to prolong life. 12. Angel Falls is considered the highest in the world. 13. Dan is known to have provided significant assistance to the company.14. Global warming is considered to be one of the biggest threats to humanity. 15. They think that the brother will arrive tomorrow. 16. It is known that Mr. Brown is an excellent specialist. 17. Mark is considered to have made a scientific discovery. 18. It is believed that women speak more than men. 19. They think that Ann and Tom will get married. 20. Roxy considers the most beautiful girl in the village.