Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa in Italy, about the year 1446. When he was only ten years old, he went to a famous school near Genoa and studied arithmetic and geography.
He was fourteen years old when he first sailed to the East. After that time he made many voyages before he could buy three small ships and sail across the Atlantic Ocean. He wanted to reach India and at the same time to that the earth is round. He wanted to discover a new shorter way to the East. He was on the Ocean for ten weeks and saw land. The land was America.
Christopher Columbus continued his trip but he always thought that the land he had discovered was the East India and he died never knowing that he had discovered a new continent.
III. Translate from English into Russian. Mark True | False (переведите с английского на русский, отметьте верно/неверно)
1. Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa.
2. When he was only nine years old, he went to a famous school near Genoa.
3. He wanted to prove that the earth is round.
4. He always thought that the land he had discovered was America.
5. He died knowing that he had discovered a new continent.
Быстрые плис
Христофор Колумб родился в портовом городе Генуя в Италии около 1446 года. Когда ему было всего десять лет, он пошел в известную школу недалеко от Генуи и изучал арифметику и географию.
Ему было четырнадцать лет, когда он впервые отплыл на Восток. После этого он совершил много путешествий, прежде чем смог купить три небольших корабля и переплыть Атлантический океан. Он хотел добраться до Индии и заодно прийти к тому, что земля круглая. Он хотел открыть новый более короткий путь на Восток. Он был в Океане десять недель и увидел землю. Эта земля была Америкой.
Христофор Колумб продолжил свое путешествие, но он всегда думал, что открытая им земля — это Ост-Индия, и умер, так и не узнав, что открыл новый континент.
1. Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa. - Truth
2. When he was only nine years old, he went to a famous school near Genoa. - False, he was ten years old. (Неверно, ему было 10 лет.)
3. He wanted to prove that the earth is round. - Truth
4. He always thought that the land he had discovered was America. - False, he always thought it was the East India. (Неверно, он думал, что это Ост-Индия.)
5. He died knowing that he had discovered a new continent. - False , he didn't know that. (Неверно, он этого не узнал.)