Ребята нужна ваша помощь!!!

Task 1.
1) My headphones are missing, I can't listen to music. (потеряны)
2) James is considering a career as an architect. (рассматривает)
3) Have a look at the printer: the paper is jammed again. (замята)
4) I have to admit that I have a lot of problems. (признать)
5) I think it's time to charge the battery in my mobile phone. (зарядить)
6) It goes* without saying that we can't do without different devices. (дано в составе выражения "It goes without saying" — само собой разумеется)
7) Young people are crazy about gadgets nowadays. They are really techno freak. (помешаны)
8) The lens of your camera should always be clean. (объектив)
9) I need to change the memory card for my camera. (карта памяти)
10) I'm not afraid to scratch my phone. It's under guarantee. (на гарантии)
11) Don't drop your phone one more time, please. Your screen is already scratched. (не роняй)
12) I always forget to take the receipt after I buy something. (чек)
Task 2.
1) Do you know the readon why she is so upset?
2) The library is a place where you can borrow books.
3) The day when you saw me I was feeling sick.
4) That's Peter, the boy who has just arrived at the airport.
5) What did you do with the money which your mother gave you?
Task 3.
1) "I am planning to go to Kenya," Sally said (Я планирую поехать в Кению", — сказала Салли) — Sally said (that) she was planning to go to Kenya (Салли сказала, что она планирует поехать в Кению).
2) "I take my little sister to school every day," little Anthony said ("Я вожу свою маленькую сестру в школу каждый день", — сказал маленький Энтони) — Little Anthony said that he took his little sister to school every day. (Маленький Энтони сказал, что он водит свою маленькую сестру в школу каждый день).
3) "You may take my textbook," Nonna said ("Ты можешь взять мой учебник", — сказала Нонна) — Nonna said (that) he* could take her textbook. (Нонна сказала, что он* может взять ее учебник)
- Пометка: *Вместо he можно поставить и другие местоимения (she, we, they, me <...>), т.к. you может относиться и к 2-му лицу ед.ч., и к 2-му лицу мн.ч., и к 3-му лицу мн.ч.
4) "They are playing in the gym now", Nick said ("Они играют в спортивном зале сейчас", — сказал Ник) — Nick said (that) they were playing in the gym at once (Ник сказал, что они играют в спортивном зале в данный момент)
5) "I don't like chocolate," Mary said ("Я не люблю шоколад", — сказала Мэри) — Mary said (that) she didn't like chocolate. (Мари сказала, что она не любит шоколад)
6) "My sister is ready to go," Helen said ("Моя сестра готова", — сказала Хелен) — Helen said (that) her sister was ready to go. (Хелен сказала, что ее сестра готова)
7) "My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday," the girl said ("Моя мать обычно ходит за покупками по субботам", — сказала девочка) — The girl said that her mother usually went shopping on Saturday. (Девочка сказала, что ее мать обычно ходит за покупками по субботам)
8) "The birds build their nests among the trees," the teacher said. ("Птицы строят гнезда среди деревьев", — сказал учитель) — The teacher said (that) birds built their nests among the trees (Учитель сказал, что птицы строят свои гнезда среди деревьев)
9) "I am not married," Jimmy said. ("Я не женат", — сказал Джимми) — Jimmy said (that) he was not married. (Джимми сказал, что он не женат)
10) "I can't read these books. I don't like them," Petra said. ("Я не могу читать эти книги. Мне они не нравятся", — сказала Петра) — Petra said (that) she couldn't read those books. She didn't like them. (Петра сказала, что она не может читать эти книги. Они ей не нравятся)