Предмет: Биология, автор: goovdiakmaksum

1. Оберіть ознаки безумовних рефлексів
1)проявляються без попереднього навчання
3)майже не змінюються протягом життя.
4) центри розташовані у спинному мозку, стовбурі
5)проявляються однаково в кожної людини
8)забезпечують реакції організму відразу після народження
9)центри знаходяться в корі головного мозку

2. Виберіть зайвий термін і поясніть чому : завитка, молоточок, отоліт, коваделко, стремінце,
волоскова клітина
Термін………………………..зайвий, оскільки……………………………………………………


Автор ответа: ylichkasydorenko


1. 1, 4,5,8.

2. Незнаю пробач.


Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Помогите пожалуйста с заданием по английскому языку.


Task 1 (12 points)

Read the text below and circle the letter next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. An example (0) has been given.


Why do we need sleep? __(0)__ question still perplexes scientists, but there are now several __(1)__ theories that explain our need for a daily nap. Some people need eight hours, while __(2)__ can exist on four. But the __(3)__ point is that everybody needs sleep: it is as essential as breathing and eating. Yet, __(4)__ decades of study, scientists still do not know why we do it.

__(5)__, there are some curious clues and theories. One obvious clue is that we all feel better after a good night’s sleep, and much worse if __(6)__ of a decent amount of sleep at night. In humans the need for sleep gets so strong after a few days that nothing will keep you __(7)__, with reports of people falling asleep standing up, even while __(8)__ or having intolerably loud music __(9)__ at them. Within days of having __(10)__ sleep, people report confusion, __(11)__ and hallucinations. (In case you are wondering, the world record for going without sleep is eleven days.) But __(12)__ that we sleep because we are tired is rather like stating that we eat because we are hungry – it is why we sleep, but not necessarily why we need it.

0. A A B The C An D –

1. A intrigued B intriguing C intrigue D intrigues

2. A another B other C others D any

3. A absolute B key C final D bottom

4. A in spite B although C despite D also

5. A However B Although C Finally D Moreover

6. A rejected B denied C refused D deprived

7. A aloud B awake C wake D afloat

8. A having been tickled B tickling C tickle D being tickled

9. A play B played C plays D playing

10. A any B much C no D none

11. A forget B forgetful C forgetfulness D forgetfully

12. A telling B talking C speaking D saying
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Аноним