Напишите, пожалуйста, 4-5 предложений на тематику "как я изменился за этот год" или "что изменилось за этот год". можно даже на русском, а можно на английском, (если не сложно), просто идей совсем нет. Если на английском, то во времени Present Perfect, пожалуйста.
I have grown over the course of the year. She has become quite an adult. Often I think about many things myself and have my own opinion. I try to be a good daughter and help my parents. The older brother no longer looks at me as if I were a small child. We discuss a lot with him, what happens at school, how to teach lessons, sometimes we play tennis together. We have new subjects at school, such as physics and chemistry. In the classroom on these subjects, we conduct very interesting experiments. At the end of the school year, I enrolled in the ski section, where we practice 4 times a week. In August we will go to a sports camp, we will live in houses, train twice a day, do exercises and run in the morning, play volleyball and basketball, and, of course, we will achieve good results.