26 It is difficult to paint the of a room.
a roof b ceiling c landing
27 Gavin parked his car on the .
a patio b garage c drive
28 Shane keeps his T-shirts in his of drawers.
a chest b box c table
29 My parents were angry me when I lost my phone.
a about b to c with
30 I love Maggie’s photos. They’re always so .
a dull b blurred c dramatic
31 My brother is very bad getting up in time for school.
a at b for c with
32 It was late when we to my grandmother’s house.
a got b had c became
33 I love those shoes, but I can’t them. a afford b cost c save
34 We found a twenty-pound in the street outside our house.
a bit b note c paper
35 I think the internet is the most important in the world.
a invent b inventor c invention
36 The newspaper are about the President’s visit to Brazil.
a flashes b headlines c journalists
26 It is difficult to paint the ... of a room.
b ceiling
Сложно покрасить потолок в комнате.
27 Gavin parked his car on the ...
a patio
Гэвин припарковал машину во внутреннем дворике.
28 Shane keeps his T-shirts in his ...of drawers.
a chest
Шейн хранит свои футболки в комоде.
29 My parents were angry... me when I lost my phone.
c with
Мои родители разозлились на меня, когда я потерял телефон.
30 I love Maggie’s photos. They’re always so ....
c dramatic
Мне нравятся фотографии Мэгги. Они всегда такие драматичные.
31 My brother is very bad... getting up in time for school.
a at
Мой брат очень плохо встает вовремя в школу.
32 It was late when we... to my grandmother’s house.
a got
Было уже поздно, когда мы добрались до дома моей бабушки.
33 I love those shoes, but I can’t... them.
a afford
Мне нравятся эти туфли, но я не могу их себе позволить.
34 We found a twenty-pound ...in the street outside our house.
b note
Мы нашли двадцатифунтовую купюру на улице возле нашего дома.
35 I think the internet is the most important... in the world.
c invention
Я думаю, что Интернет является самым важным изобретением в мире.
36 The newspaper are about the President’s visit to Brazil.
b headlines
Заголовки газет посвящены визиту президента в Бразилию.