Предмет: Математика, автор: miki818

Реши задачи с помощью уравнения:

В девяти коробках было 1764 марки. Сколько марок было в одной коробке?

72 кг картофеля разложили поровну в несколько ящиков. В каждом ящике по 8 кг картофеля. Сколько получилось таких ящиков с картофелем?​


Автор ответа: kaerbaevaajgul
Ответ: в одной коробке было 196 марки, было 9 ящиков

Автор ответа: abisovrasad1982


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: fenomenov777
перевод диалог помогите пжл!!!
D.: Hi, Adrew! Are you in a hurry? Let’s revise the material for the English classes.
A.: Hi, Danil! With pleasure. As far as I remember we are to get information about the educational system

in the UK.
D.: You are absolutely right. First of all, we should memorize that the system of education in Britain is

divided into three stages: primary, secondary and further educational.
A.: And don’t forget that there are state and private schools in the UK.

D.: Good for you. But, you see, about 93 per cent of British children go to state-assisted schools. As far as I

know, both primary and secondary education, between the ages of 5 and 16, is compulsory in Britain.

A.: Yes, I agree with you. And at the age of 15 or 16 pupils take an examination called the General

Certificate of Secondary Education, abbreviated GCSE …

D.: Sorry for interrupting you I want to add, that most pupils, who stay in school beyond the age 16, prepare

for the General Certificate of Education examination at Advanced level, A level. It is abbreviated GCE.

Well, and what about higher education?

A.: I know exactly, that British universities are not part of the public system of education.

D.: Right! They are independent corporations, but they are mainly supported by public funds.

A.: And have you heard about the Open University?

D.: Yes, it is unique in providing degree courses by correspondence for students working in their own

homes. They are supported by books and broadcasts.

A.: Oh, you know so much about it.

D.: Thanks for your assistance.

A.: It was no trouble at all.
Предмет: Математика, автор: natusik092
Предмет: Химия, автор: ВалерияКушнарева