Помогите пожалуйста сделать тест

1) 1. G
2. H
3. A
4. D
5. I
6. C
7. B
8. J
9. E
10. F
2) 1. Must
2. Have to
3. Could
4. Must
5. Should
6. Can't
7. Need
8. Must
9. May
10. Might
3) 1. Out
2. Away
3. Up
4. Out
5. Back
4) 1. Have
2. Should revise
3. Must be
4. Mustn't enter
5. Might rain
5) 1. to connect to the Internet.
You should connect to the internet to do this task.
2. To install the program
If you want to instal the program, your internet connection must be good.
3. To download a file
Downloading files is the easiest part of my job.
4. A scoreboard
In our school there is a scoreboard.
5. A schedule
Just follow your schedule and you'll know all things you have to do.
6. To attend
Students must attend the classes.
7. To influence
Social medias influence us so much!
8. To manage
I can manage with this task.
9. To fail the exam
Good luck and don't fail your exam!
10. Disadvantages
Your plan has lots of disadvantages!