на английском!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Пересказ или краткое содержание своими словами сказки колобок или курочка ряба 100 баллов
Сказку про курочку Рябу знают все с самого раннего детства. Можно кратко её написать так:
Жили-были дед и баба. Была у них курочка Ряба. Снесла курочка золотое яичко. Они пытались его разбить, но не получилось. Бежала мышка, яичко уронила, оно разбилось. Дед и баба заплакали, а курочка пообещала снести им простое яичко.
The old man asked the old woman to scrape on the box, place it on the sousek – and bake him a bun (round cake) from the remains of flour. The old woman added sour cream to the dough, fried in oil. Cooling down on the window, the bun took and rolled out of the house. And there the hare threatens to eat him. Kolobok in response sings him a song about how he was baked, and how he left his grandparents. And it's not tricky to get away from the "hare!" With those words, he left. He sang the same song to the wolf and the bear. And the fox, pretending to be deaf, asked him to sing on her muzzle. And then one more time – on the tongue. Kolobok foolishly did so. And "fox–am him! And I ate it."