Предмет: Биология, автор: stefankivekaterina74

Сообщение на тему "Нарцисс" 6 класс
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Автор ответа: yanamarina09


Нарцисс – многолетнее луковичное растение. Листья нарцисса прикорневые, линейные, зеленые. Цветки нарцисса крупные, расположены на цветоносах одиночно или собраны в кисти, с сильным ароматом, несколько поникающие, простые или махровые. Привенчик нарцисса (или коронка) образован выростами долей околоцветника; может быть трубчатым, колокольчатым или чашеобразным, различной длины, и, как правило, отличается по цвету от долей околоцветника. Цветут растения в мае-июне. Плод нарцисса – мясистая коробочка. Семена растений многочисленные, округлые или угловатые. Луковицы нарциссов колбообразные, яйцевидные или округлые, с двумя почками возобновления, находящихся на разных стадиях развития.

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Переведите текст с английского на русский на литературный язык.Пожалуйста!!!Заранее спасибо.)
Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the famous Russian diplomat and writer, was a many-side personality. He got a profound knowledge in various spheres, learned several foreign languages, became a talented writer and able musician and an outstanding diplomat with instincts of a real politician.
He was bort on the 4th of January, but the year of his birth is not exactly known. some hitorians say he was born in 1790, others He was bort on the 4th of January, but the year of his birth is not exactly known. some hitorians say he was born in 1790, others believe that happened in 1795. Little is also known about his years of education. Information about the diplomat is very uncertain. Some biographers think that Griboedov graduated from three departments of Moscow University but there are no official to prove that point of view.After the war of 1812 Griboedov lived in Belorussia where he got interested in the theater and began writing literary pieces. In 1815 he translated the comedy "A Young Couple" from French into Russian. The play was staged and had a certain success.
In 1823-1824 he wrote his immortal comedy " Woe from Wit" (Gorye of Uma).
In 1825 Griboedov had his second trip to the Caucasus. At that time he felt like writing a tragedy based on the facts of Georgian history and even began doing it living in Tiflis (now Tbilisi).
In 1828 he got married. His wife Georgian Princess Nina Chavchavadze - was the daughter of Griboedov's old friend, the poet Alexander Chavchavadze.