Решите пожалуйста дам 75 балов

Задание 1:
to meet
to walk
to watch
to wait
to write
to drive
to do
to sit
to play
to rain
Задание 2:
to speak
to talk
to study
to help
Задание 3:
1. I can't stand her complaining all the time.
2. Our teacher won't allow us to use dictionaries during the test.
3. We advised him to take a taxi instead of walking to the restaurant.
4. The city doesn't allow parking along curbs painted red.
5. She prefers my making dinner because she doesn't like to cook.
6. I hope you don't mind my smoking while you eat.
7. John is never on time to work! I hate his arriving late every day.
8. Sarah urged me to vote in the next election.
9. He needs to get a visa extension immediately. The authorities won't permit him to stay in the country without a visa.
10. Travel agents usually advise reconfirming flight bookings three days before departure.