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How I Make an Apple Pie. First I take some flour and mix it with some milk and butter. Then I break 3 eggs and put them too. Then I add some raisins and mix the stuff again. Then I take 10 apples, wash them and into small pieces. I add some sugar and a little salt, put the stuff into a big pan and put it into the cooker for 40 minutes. When I take it out I decorate it, leave it in a cold place and serve cool.
Как я делаю яблочный пирог. Сначала я беру немного муки и смешиваю ее с молоком и маслом. Потом разбиваю 3 яйца и тоже кладу. Затем добавляю немного изюма и снова перемешиваю. Затем я беру 10 яблок, мою их и нарезаю небольшими кусочками. Добавляю немного сахара и немного соли, перекладываю в большую кастрюлю и ставлю в плиту на 40 минут. Когда вынимаю, украшаю, оставляю в холодном месте и подаю холодным.
How an apple pie is made. First, some flour is taken and mixed with some milk and butter. Then 3 eggs are broken and put too. Then some raisins are added and mixed with stuff again. Then 10 apples are taken, washed and cut into small pieces. Some sugar and a little salt are added, the stuff is put into a big pan and it is put into the cooker for 40 minutes. When it is taken out it is decorated, left in a cold place and served cool.