Предмет: Биология, автор: ptrowinston

Висловіть власну думку щодо користі для людини великого різноманіття рослин. Пжпжпжжпжпжпдпдпд поможіть


Автор ответа: Аноним


я надіюсь цього буде достатьньо


Рослини багато в чому допомагають людині,наприклад в медицині:Найвідомішими лікарськими рослинами є – мати-й-мачуха, звіробій, береза, ромашка, шипшина, калина. Лікарські рослини ще з минулих століть успішно використовували наші предки для лікування різної хвороби.Вони слугують людям як їжа,а саме фрукти,овочі,олія і багато чого,без чого зараз прожити нам би було доволі тяжко.Завдяки рослинам живі організми отримують кисень.З рослин роблять одежу та барвники.Також є багато рослин,які навпаки можуть зашкодити людині,але в наш час можна просто прочитати в інтернеті інформацію про будь яку рослину і подивитись,чи зможе вона вам зашкодити чи ні.

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A period overseas is seen by many as an important addition to your CY. But how do you make sure that it really works to your advantage?

1. What should I consider before I go?

"Think carefully about the job," says executive coach, Nicola Bunting. "Does it fit in with your career goals or are you being attracted by the lifestyle? Also before you go, you need to have a re-entry plan." Kevan Hall, chief executive of the international people management group, Global Integration, says you shouldn't underestimate the culture shock. "Go out there beforehand. See what you' re getting into."

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Nigel Parslow, UK managing director of Harvey Nash executive search, says staying where you are may not be possible if you work for an organisation that has overseas operations. He adds that the experience you gain is also very attractive.

3. What are the personal considerations?

The biggest is family. This can be particularly hard for people in the middle of their careers who may have children at school. Ms Bunting says: "There's your partner's career too. Some people's spouses try and commute back and I'd really advise against this as it makes an already stressful situation even more difficult."

4. What about the destination?

Mr Hall says: "There's been a power shift to Asia, and that, coupled with low growth in America and Europe, means that particularly if you're ambitious you might want to spend some time there."

5. Is there an ideal length of time?

Many people say two to three years. But this will vary according to the country and organisation. Mr Parslow thinks so that if you spend too long abroad, you can end up with a not entirely positive expat label attached to you.

The real value of managing information and people

SAS has been a pioneer in the business of ·'analytics". This involves not just gathering information, but also processing it and getting the value from it. Its chief executive, Jim Goodnight, says: ·'When the economic downturn started I told everyone there would be no job losses, that to we might have lower profits but that was fine with me," he says. "I didn't care because I prefer keeping everybody's jobs. I think everybody actually worked harder to save money, to cut expenses, to try to bring in more revenue, and we actually ended up growing last year by 2.2 per cent. I always say if you treat people like they make a difference they will make a difference.'· SAS has just been named by Fortune magazine as the best company to work for in the US. The on-site perks and benefits at SAS headquarters are remarkable. Medical care, childcare, sports centres, massage, food. hairdressers and a 35-hour week: these all form part of the employee package. There is a downside. SAS does not pay the highest wages in its sector. But it is a successful business with low staff turnover. Most employees seem happy with the deal, which is designed to make working life easier. lt is these software programmers who in turn keep SAS's clients happy

Предмет: Математика, автор: sonechko003